
Beyond Carbon backed successful House of Delegates candidate Shelly Simonds (HD-94) with a $265,000 TV buy contrasting her commitment to protect Virginians’ safety and security with the Republican incumbent’s climate failures

NOVEMBER 5, 2019 — This evening, Beyond Carbon, the largest-ever coordinated campaign to combat the climate crisis in the U.S. founded by Michael R. Bloomberg, celebrates the Democratic victory in Virginia, where the party won majorities in both the State Senate and House of Delegates, and Virginians elected climate champions to represent them. This slate includes Shelly Simonds, who was elected to represent House District 94 and was backed by Beyond Carbon. In the last week of the election, Beyond Carbon launched a TV advertising campaign to highlight the stark contrast between Simonds and her Republican opponent who repeatedly sided with polluters while in office, risking the safety and security of Virginians. The district-wide TV buy marked Beyond Carbon’s first ad campaign for climate champions since the $500 million initiative was launched in June of 2019.

“Our Beyond Carbon campaign aims to elect champions of climate action all over the country — and in Virginia, we’re off to a great start,” said Bloomberg. “I congratulate all those who won election by promising to tackle the climate crisis and protect Virginians from its effects. Voters are demanding change, and these results stand in stark contrast to the President’s announcement on Monday that he will pull the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Agreement. As we saw in 2018, supporting bold climate action is a winning campaign strategy, and through Beyond Carbon, we’ll continue electing candidates who will provide the leadership our country needs.”

“These wins are a victory for Virginians today and Virginians of the future,” said Brynne Craig, Beyond Carbon Campaign Manager. “Congratulations to Delegate-elect Simonds and all the other successful candidates who will ensure the Commonwealth can move forward on policies that will create jobs and grow Virginia’s economy while protecting access to clean air and water. Beyond Carbon knows we cannot wait for Washington to act on the climate crisis — change is happening now in city halls and state capitals, and Beyond Carbon is committed to electing officials who will go even further, faster to move our country to a 100% clean energy economy. We’re excited to build on tonight’s success in states, cities, and regions around the country in 2020 and beyond.”

Beyond Carbon’s ad stressed the risk rising sea levels from climate change poses to 400,000 Virginian homes. The ad also highlighted how Republican incumbent David Yancey has sided with polluters and endangered Virginia’s coast, which stands in stark contrast to Shelly Simonds’ commitment to protect coastlines and the safety and security of Virginians. Watch the ad for Shelly Simonds here.

About Beyond Carbon

Beyond Carbon is the largest coordinated effort to tackle the climate crisis ever undertaken in the United States. Designed to accelerate climate action in U.S. states, cities, and organizations using proven advocacy, legal, and electoral strategies, Beyond Carbon is working to move the U.S. fully off of fossil fuels and drive progress in the clean energy transition by eliminating coal, slowing the rush to gas, and accelerating the adoption of renewable energy across the country. By advocating for the passage of clean energy policies, electing climate-forward representatives at the state and local levels, and providing critical support to the grassroots climate movement, Beyond Carbon is ensuring the United States continues to make progress on the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement.

Today, Brynne Craig, campaign manager for Beyond Carbon — the largest-ever coordinated campaign to fight climate change in the United States — issued the following statement on President Trump’s reassertion of his plans to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Agreement:

“Today’s announcement is further evidence of the Trump Administration’s deliberate failure to safeguard the wellbeing and prosperity of the American people from the disastrous impacts that will follow an unchecked climate crisis. In this moment we turn again to our true leaders — individuals and elected officials across the U.S. who are working every day to combat this crisis. Across the country cities, states, and businesses aren’t waiting to take action to completely phase out fossil fuels and accelerate the transition to clean energy, ensuring a safer, healthier, and sustainable future for our country.

“Today is yet another reminder that it’s more important than ever to elect climate champions up and down the ballot. The most immediately effective action we can take to combat the climate crisis is simple: vote. Beyond Carbon is committed to ensuring officials at all levels of government in cities and states across the U.S. are taking action on the climate crisis, or facing the music on Election Day.”


About Beyond Carbon:
Beyond Carbon is the largest coordinated effort to tackle the climate crisis ever undertaken in the United States. Designed to accelerate climate action in U.S. states, cities, and organizations using proven advocacy, legal, and electoral strategies, Beyond Carbon is working to move the U.S. fully off of fossil fuels and drive progress in the clean energy transition by eliminating coal, slowing the rush to gas, and accelerating the adoption of renewable energy across the country. By advocating for the passage of clean energy policies, electing climate-forward representatives at the state and local levels, and providing critical support to the grassroots climate movement, Beyond Carbon is ensuring the United States continues to make progress on the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. For more information, visit

Today, a spokesperson from the Beyond Carbon campaign — the largest-ever coordinated campaign to fight climate change in the United States — issued the following statement on the Trump administration’s decision to rescind California’s right to set its own fuel emissions standards:

“The Trump administration’s decision to revoke a state’s right to regulate fuel emissions — a right that has been in place for nearly five decades — is not only grossly hypocritical, but also reveals the underlying truth that this White House will stop at nothing to halt policies that protect Americans’ health and our planet’s future.

“California has long been a leader in pushing climate progress forward, and this decision won’t change that. The Beyond Carbon campaign and advocates across the country will continue to support efforts to ensure clean, safe air and water for Americans, no matter what the White House throws our way.”


About Beyond Carbon:
Beyond Carbon is the largest coordinated effort to tackle the climate crisis ever undertaken in the United States. Designed to accelerate climate action in U.S. states, cities, and organizations using proven advocacy, legal, and electoral strategies, Beyond Carbon is working to move the U.S. fully off of fossil fuels and drive progress in the clean energy transition by eliminating coal, slowing the rush to gas, and accelerating the adoption of renewable energy across the country. By advocating for the passage of clean energy policies, electing climate-forward representatives at the state and local levels, and providing critical support to the grassroots climate movement, Beyond Carbon is ensuring the United States continues to make progress on the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. For more information, visit

Today, a spokesperson for Beyond Carbon, the largest coordinated effort to tackle the climate crisis ever undertaken in the United States, issued the following statement in response to the Trump administration’s repeal of the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule:

“Rolling back clean water protections— at a time when 19 million Americans are exposed to drinking water contaminated by pesticides, heavy metals, and dangerous chemicals— is morally reprehensible and directly threatens disproportionately impacted communities already vulnerable to pollution. As the Trump administration continues to side with the chemical and fossil fuel industries, we must recommit to policies that protect our nation’s children, communities, and economy.

“In the face of this attack, states will once again step up to challenge the Trump administration in court. Beyond Carbon is already on the frontlines supporting state and local policies and officials committed to protecting Americans from the threats of pollution and the climate crisis as we look to the months and years ahead.”


About Beyond Carbon:
Beyond Carbon is the largest coordinated effort to tackle the climate crisis ever undertaken in the United States. Designed to accelerate climate action in U.S. states, cities, and organizations using proven advocacy, legal, and electoral strategies, Beyond Carbon is working to move the U.S. fully off of fossil fuels and drive progress in the clean energy transition by eliminating coal, slowing the rush to gas, and accelerating the adoption of renewable energy across the country. By advocating for the passage of clean energy policies, electing climate-forward representatives at the state and local levels, and providing critical support to the grassroots climate movement, Beyond Carbon is ensuring the United States continues to make progress on the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. For more information, visit

Today, a spokesperson for Beyond Carbon, the largest coordinated effort to tackle the climate crisis ever undertaken in the United States, issued the following statement in response to the Trump Administration’s rollback on methane emission regulations:

“Today’s announcement is another reminder that as the Trump Administration continues to side with big oil and gas over the health and safety of the American people, we simply cannot wait for a new Administration to undo these wrongs. President Trump’s decision to reverse regulations on methane — one of the most dangerous, potent greenhouse gases and major contributors to the climate crisis — is an attack on our country’s safety. We need more aggressive action now — and the power to act lies in state capitols, legislatures, and city halls. Cities, regions, and states are already leading efforts to move beyond gas but more can — and must — be done and that’s why we must elect climate champions at all levels of government in 2020 and beyond.”


About Beyond Carbon:
Beyond Carbon is the largest coordinated effort to tackle the climate crisis ever undertaken in the United States. Designed to accelerate climate action in U.S. states, cities, and organizations using proven advocacy, legal, and electoral strategies, Beyond Carbon is working to move the U.S. fully off of fossil fuels and drive progress in the clean energy transition by eliminating coal, slowing the rush to gas, and accelerating the adoption of renewable energy across the country. By advocating for the passage of clean energy policies, electing climate-forward representatives at the state and local levels, and providing critical support to the grassroots climate movement, Beyond Carbon is ensuring the United States continues to make progress on the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. For more information, visit

Billionaire businessman and philanthropist Michael Bloomberg recently pledged to rapidly spend $500 million in a bid to push the U.S. “Beyond Carbon,” aiming to end this country’s use of coal and natural gas power in a generation or less.

In another recent piece, I featured an in-depth interview with Carl Pope, the veteran environmental leader who has essentially been the inspirational force behind Bloomberg’s evolution. The former New York City Mayor had never given a major gift to environmental causes as of a decade or so ago, until Pope “convinced” him to get involved.

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“Chubb’s decision to end its coverage of coal companies is a crucial milestone for not only the U.S. insurance market, but global efforts to transition off of coal. Chubb’s action reinforces why businesses are shifting their strategy to reflect a new clean energy landscape: because it’s safer, cheaper, and more reliable for customers. Investing in coal is bad for the climate, bad for public health, and— given the cost of the disastrous externalities associated with the deadly fuel source— increasingly untenable for businesses, as Chubb reminds us today.

“Any CEO in this day and age who doesn’t plan for the changing climate would be fired – because businesses have to look ahead for the future. And the future is moving Beyond Carbon.”


About Beyond Carbon:
Beyond Carbon is the largest coordinated effort to tackle the climate crisis ever undertaken in the United States. Designed to accelerate climate action in U.S. states, cities, and organizations using proven advocacy, legal, and electoral strategies, Beyond Carbon is working to move the U.S. fully off of fossil fuels and drive progress in the clean energy transition by eliminating coal, slowing the rush to gas, and accelerating the adoption and of renewable energy across the country. By advocating for the passage of clean energy policies, electing climate-forward representatives at the state and local levels, and providing critical support to the grassroots climate movement, Beyond Carbon is ensuring the United States continues to make progress on the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. For more information, visit

As American society accelerates its progress towards a clean energy, sustainable economy, and climate-protecting future, coal and oil interests and their allies are being forced to play defense.

In just the last two weeks, there have been major clean energy and climate wins in state after state:

  • New York passed what is perhaps the toughest climate legislation in its history due to groundbreaking work from the NRDC, Sierra Club, New York League of Conservation Voters, and NY Renews;
  • Illinois moved one step closer to retiring a major segment of its polluting and outmoded coal fleet;
  • New Jersey rejoined the Northeast climate compact, Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) after an eight year hiatus;
  • Oregon’s legislature moved forward with a solid majority committed to a 100% clean energy goal following incredible grassroots efforts from Oregon League of Conservation Voters (LCV), Oregon Environmental Council, Union of Concerned Scientists, and Oregon Renew;
  • Massachusetts prepared to levy a real estate transfer tax to finance climate programs;
  • New Mexico and Colorado moved to implement milestone climate protection legislation recently signed into law by their governors; and
  • Maine doubled down on renewables, aiming to go 80% renewable by 2030 and 100% renewable by 2050 thanks to efforts from Maine Conservation Voters (MCV) — joining Hawaii, California, New Mexico, Washington and Puerto Rico in going 100% clean

The breadth of this progress has thrown dirty fossil interests back on their utterly stonewalling heels.

MORE PROGRESS IN GOING BEYOND COALWith the recent bankruptcy of the third biggest U.S. coal company Cloud Peak, remaining U.S. coal behemoths, Peabody and Arch, were forced into a joint venture due to incredible work on the ground by the Sierra Club. The joint venture could have Peabody and Arch scaling back their operations by three quarters of a billion dollars to avoid a similar fate. And even while facing demands from state legislators in his own party to resign, West Virginia Governor Jim Justice’s claims that some of the nation’s biggest utilities – Dominion and AEP – would join him in denouncing Beyond Carbon were proven false after both made it clear that they are planning to continue their steady abandonment of coal as an electricity mainstay.

REPUBLICANS CONTINUE RUNNING FROM SMART CLIMATE POLICIES (this time literally): With the nation’s auto companies pleading for the resumption of negotiations with California on a unified pathway to cleaner and more efficient cars and trucks, EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler instead issued an unwarranted personal attack on California Air Resources Board Chair Mary Nichols. Wheeler’s transparent attacks on Chair Nichols is another reminder of the Trump Administration’s commitment to pushing big industry agendas, regardless of the harm that will be caused to our health and environment.

In Oregon, desperate Republican legislators are pulling out all the stops to stall the passage of climate protection legislation and refusing to come to work. Some fled the state, and one threatened violence against any State Trooper who tried to require his attendance in the legislature, saying that the state’s “majority” population had to realize that they did not have the right to pass climate legislation opposed by Republicans.

It’s clear that coal and oil assumed an ally in the White House would allow them to ignore what the American people want.

Luckily, this has been far from the case as states, cities and companies continue their enormous strides in progressing a clean energy future. Behind this momentum is an engaged and steadfast climate movement that voted climate-forward leaders into office in 2018 (Governor’s Lujan Grisham, Polis, Pritzker, Murphy, Mills, to name a few) and it’s only getting stronger.

Americans know that the climate crisis is only going to worsen unless we continue taking bold action. And these last two weeks remind us that in order to have meaningful action we need to have officials in office who are going to lead on the issue. Electing climate leaders in 2018 has led to remarkable wins in a short amount of time but momentum won’t stop there as we look to 2020 and beyond for further progress on getting to our clean energy future.


About Beyond Carbon:
Beyond Carbon is the largest coordinated effort to tackle the climate crisis ever undertaken in the United States. Designed to accelerate climate action in U.S. states, cities, and organizations using proven advocacy, legal, and electoral strategies, Beyond Carbon is working to move the U.S. fully off of fossil fuels and drive progress in the clean energy transition by eliminating coal, slowing the rush to gas, and accelerating the adoption and of renewable energy across the country. By advocating for the passage of clean energy policies, electing climate-forward representatives at the state and local levels, and providing critical support to the grassroots climate movement, Beyond Carbon is ensuring the United States continues to make progress on the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. For more information, visit

Today, Brynne Craig, campaign manager of Beyond Carbon, the largest ever coordinated campaign in the U.S. against the climate crisis, issued the following statement in response to the Trump Administration’s repeal of the Clean Power Plan:

“Each passing month brings new evidence of the climate crisis and the Trump Administration continues to demonstrate its contempt for science and its subversion of fact-based environmental policies. By scrapping the Clean Power Plan, our country’s first ever attempt to cut carbon pollution at the national level, President Trump has weakened climate and air pollution standards and threatened the health and safety of Americans.

“Yet the Trump Administration’s attempts to revive obsolete industries like coal have proven futile: since he has taken office, over 50 coal plants have closed, putting us over halfway to retiring the U.S. coal fleet and showing the undeniable momentum among U.S. markets, organizations, and communities in moving off of dirty, deadly, and costly fossil fuels. American cities, states, and businesses are also inspiring great hope with their work to combat the climate crisis, regardless of the federal government. Beyond Carbon will accelerate these efforts and further the country’s transition toward a clean energy future.

“One in five Americans now lives in a community committed to 100% renewable energy: these communities know that clean energy means better jobs, healthier air and water, and a more resilient America.”


Rachel Nagler,
Daphne Wang,

About Beyond Carbon:
Beyond Carbon is the largest coordinated effort to tackle the climate crisis ever undertaken in the United States. Designed to accelerate climate action in U.S. states, cities, and organizations using proven advocacy, legal, and electoral strategies, Beyond Carbon is working to move the U.S. fully off of fossil fuels and drive progress in the clean energy transition by eliminating coal, slowing the rush to gas, and accelerating the adoption and of renewable energy across the country. By advocating for the passage of clean energy policies, electing climate-forward representatives at the state and local levels, and providing critical support to the grassroots climate movement, Beyond Carbon is ensuring the United States continues to make progress on the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. For more information, visit

PRESS RELEASE – Denver, CO – Today, Colorado’s elected leaders and environmental advocates gathered to celebrate recent climate and clean energy policy successes and share enthusiasm for Michael Bloomberg’s recently announced Beyond Carbon campaign to keep up the momentum of cutting carbon and transitioning to 100% renewable energy to act on climate change in Colorado.

The Climate Action Plan to Reduce Carbon Pollution and six other pieces of legislation recently signed into law will help put Colorado on a path to reducing carbon pollution 90% by 2050. The Beyond Carbon campaign will be working with advocates in Colorado cities and communities for assistance in reaching those goals. Reaching Colorado’s carbon reduction goals will be a public process that carefully takes into consideration cost-effective regulations to meet those reduction targets from a variety of stakeholders.

“With these new policies Colorado will show the country and the world how we are going to act on climate,” said Senator Faith Winter. “Colorado has a true opportunity to boldly make this energy transition and we are committed to charting this path forward so that impacted workers across the state can make this shift a just transition for them, their families and their community. That work begins now.”

“Here in Colorado, we have chosen to take bold leadership to cut carbon, grow renewables and clean our air – for all of us,” stated Senator Angela Williams. “By taking these bold actions, we stand ready to bring relief from pollution to disadvantaged communities, and steps that will help our small businesses meet the challenge of cutting carbon. We look forward to having Beyond Carbon as a partner in Colorado to help us achieve these goals in all four corners of our state.”

“Climate change is not an issue we can pass off to the next generation – it is a threat that demands action today,” said State House Majority Leader Alec Garnett. “This year, the Legislature fought for policies that will protect our climate, chart a path for a clean energy economy that works for all Coloradans and make our state a leader in fighting climate change.”

“Colorado took unprecedented action this year to cut carbon pollution and ensure we provide a more sustainable climate for this and future generations,” said Jon Goldin-Dubois, President of Western Resource Advocates. “At a time when it’s more important than ever to take action on climate change, the Beyond Carbon campaign and continued leadership by our state lawmakers will help keep this momentum going in Colorado and around the region and enable us to take additional steps to protect our air, water, and environment. We look forward to keeping Colorado on the cutting edge of energy innovation and proactive action on climate.”

“Solving the climate crisis requires all hands on deck,” said Dan Grossman, Rocky Mountain Regional Director of the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). “With the leadership of Gov. Polis and our legislative climate champions Colorado is blazing the trail to a clean energy economy. Beyond Carbon’s commitment will enable leaders in Colorado and across the country to take the necessary next steps, such as reforming energy markets, electrifying the transportation sector and minimizing methane pollution from the oil and gas industry.”

“For years, activists and locals have worked to shift the way we produce energy away from dirty fossil fuels to clean, affordable and accessible renewable energy,” said Emily Gedeon, Conservation Director of the Colorado Sierra Club. “As the nation grapples with the reality of climate change, Colorado has proven its leadership in taking the next steps to reduce our carbon emissions, protect our environment and health, and reinvent power for all.”

“By acting on climate, we can rein in air pollutants like carbon, mercury and sulfur dioxide, dramatically reducing the rates of heart disease, asthma, respiratory diseases, and cancer — especially for children, seniors, and frontline communities,” said Juan Gallegos, Director of Protégete at Conservation Colorado. “Communities who are closer to the problem will be better positioned to lead the way in solving the problem of climate change, and we look forward to seeing the tools Beyond Carbon can bring to our work.”

“We are facing a carbon emissions crisis, but Colorado is well on its way to develop all the tools needed to cut carbon, keeping our economy strong and our air clean. We look forward to working with the Beyond Carbon campaign to advance policies that help this transition,” stated Noah Long, Senior Attorney at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).

“In the face of federal inaction, Colorado has proven to be a leader in tackling the climate challenge head on by enacting transformational climate policies and ambitious clean energy goals. We are excited to partner with Beyond Carbon and other pioneering organizations to help accelerate this energy transition,” said Jules Kortenhorst, CEO of Rocky Mountain Institute.

“The 27 towns, cities, and counties that make up our local government coalition know first-hand how damaging climate change is. Colorado families, businesses, and local communities are already experiencing serious and escalating impacts, harming our economy, our environment, and our quality of life,” said Anita Seitz, President of Colorado Communities for Climate Action (CC4CA) and Westminster Mayor Pro-Tem. “As local elected officials, we are committed to assertive local action and to strengthening climate policy statewide. Colorado’s governor and legislators accomplished a lot over the past five months, and we are fired up to keep the momentum going.”

“Our kids are most at risk of suffering the damaging effects of dirty air pollution such as asthma, developmental harm and increasing evidence even shows a connection to autism.  It’s also our children, more than anyone else, who will suffer the impacts of climate change,” said Jen Clanahan, Head Mom at Colorado Moms Know Best. “Increased drought, more and larger wildfires and damaged wildlands are not the future we want for our children.  As parents, it’s our number one job to protect our kids so we are thrilled to welcome Beyond Carbon to Colorado to help us protect our children, our public lands and our outdoor quality of life.

“Colorado has quickly become one of the leading states in the fight against carbon pollution and devastating climate change. Increasing the energy efficiency of homes, commercial buildings, vehicles and factories is a key component of Colorado’s strategy and we’re excited to work with Beyond Carbon to further these efforts,” said Howard Geller, Executive Director of the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP).

“Colorado is leading the nation with a bold commitment to reduce climate emissions and accelerate the shift to renewable energy. Our public lands should be a big part of the strategy,” said Jim Ramey, Colorado State Director for The Wilderness Society.  “On these shared lands we have tremendous opportunity to protect the places wildlife thrive while reducing pollutants in our air that fuel climate change and threaten our health. We should turn to public lands to support communities transitioning from dirty energy production by investing in wind, solar, and restoration jobs to make our lands healthy and resilient. We look forward to working with elected leaders and the Beyond Carbon campaign to make public lands part of the climate solution.”

About Beyond Carbon:

Beyond Carbon is the largest coordinated effort to tackle the climate crisis ever undertaken in the United States. Designed to accelerate climate action in U.S. states, cities, and organizations using proven advocacy, legal, and electoral strategies, Beyond Carbon is working to move the U.S. fully off of fossil fuels and drive progress in the clean energy transition by eliminating coal, slowing the rush to gas, and accelerating the adoption and of renewable energy across the country. By advocating for the passage of clean energy policies, electing climate-forward representatives at the state and local levels, and providing critical support to the grassroots climate movement, Beyond Carbon is ensuring the United States continues to make progress on the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. For more information, please visit